
ดร. มีชัย เซียงหลิว
(Dr. Meechai Siangliw)



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Rice Science Center(RSC), Rice Gene Discovery Unit (RGDU), Kasetsart University, Kamphaengsaen, 
No1 Moo6. Kamphaengsaen, Nakhonpathom 73140, Thailand
ศูนย์วิทยาศาสตร์ข้าว, ห้องปฏิบัติการค้นหาและใช้ประโยชน์ยีนข้าว มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์ วิทยาเขตกำแพงแสน
เลขที่ 1 หมู่ 6 ต.กำแพงแสน อ.กำแพงแสน จ.นครปฐม 73140




Meechai Siangliw is a senior assistant researcher at Rice Gene Discovery Laboratory, under National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC), located at Kasetsart University, Kaphaeng Saen campus, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand. He received his B.S. in Agriculture, major in Agronomy and M.S. in Genetic Engineering. Now, he is a Ph.D. student under the Genetice Engineering program. During his time at Kamphaen Saen campus, he worked on rice QTL mapping and molecular breeding of traits such as submergence tolerance, brown planthopper, bacterial leaf blight, blast, and salinity. He is one of the researchers involved in improving rice like RD18, RD51, Homcholasit and others. He is also working on environmental toxicity affecting rice like Cd contamination and its uptake in rice. His other interest is on map based cloning and their application in breeding.  Education

  • B.S. (Agriculture) from Kasetsart University
  • M.S. (Genetic Engineering) from Kasetsart University


Non-scientific Interests

  • Sport 



  • Assawadithalerd, M., Siangliw, M. and Tongcumpou, Ch. (2014). Effects of Organic Fertilizer on Cd Bioavailability and Cd Accumulation in Rice Grown in Contaminated Paddy Soil. Applied Environmental Research, 36(3), 95-104. Retrieved from http://www.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/aer/article/view/18838
  • Chutimanukul P, Chaidee A, Buaboocha T, Siangliw M, Toojinda T, Chadchawan S, Kositsup B. 2013. Effect of Salt Stress on Photosynthesis and Growth in Salt-tolerant Rice Lines Obtained from CSSL Population. Thai Journal of Genetics, S(1), 276-279.
  • Khrueasan N., Plaimas K, Kositsup B, Chaidee A, Buaboocha T, Siangliw M, Toojinda T, Chadchawan S. 2013. Gene co-expression network of predicted salt tolerance region on chromosome 1 in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Thai Journal of Genetics, 6(1), 30-35.
  • Siebers, N., Siangliw, M.  and Tongcumpou, Ch. (2013). Cadmium uptake and subcellular distribution in rice plants as affected by phosphorus: Soil and hydroponic experiments. Journal of soil science and plant nutrition, 13(4), 833-844.
  • Win, K.M., Korinsak, S., Jantaboon, J., Siangliw, M., Lanceras-Siangliw, J., Sirithunya, P., Vanavichit, A., Pantuwan, G., Jongdee, B., Sidhiwong, N. and Toojinda, T. (2012). Breeding the Thai jasmine rice variety KDML105 for non-age-related broad-spectrum resistance to bacterial blight disease based on combined marker-assisted and phenotypic selection. Field Crops Research, 137(1), 186-194.
  • Jantaboon J., Siangliw M., Im-mark S., Jamboonsri W., Vanavichit A., Toojinda T. (2011) Ideotype breeding for submergence tolerance and cooking quality by marker-assisted selection in rice. Field Crops Research 123:206-213.
  • Uga Y, Siangliw M, Nagamine T, Ohsawa R, Fujimura T, Fukuta Y. 2010. Comparative mapping of QTLs determining glume, pistil and stamen sizes in cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Breeding 129(6): 657–669.
  • Toojinda T, Tragoonrung S, Vanavichit A, Siangliw JL, Pa-In N, Jantaboon J, Siangliw M, Fukai S. 2005. Molecular Breeding for Rainfed Lowland Rice in the Mekong Region. Plant Production Science 8(3): 330-333.
  • Ruanjaichon V, Sangsrakru D, Kamolsukyunyong W, Siangliw M, Toojinda T, Tragoonrung S, Vanavichit A. 2004. Small GTP-binding Protein Gene is Associated with QTL for Submergence tolerance in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.). Rus. J. Plant. Physl. 51 (5): 721-731.
  • Siangliw M, Toojinda T, Tragoonrung S, Vanavichit A. 2002. Thai Jasmine Rice Carrying QTLch9 (SubQTL) is Submergence Tolerance. Annals of Botany 91: 255-261.
  • Toojinda T, Siangliw M, Tragoonrung S, Vanavichit A. 2002. Molecular genetics of submergence tolerance in rice: quantitative traits loci (QTLs) analysis of traits associated with submergence tolerance. Annals of Botany 91: 243-253.
  • Kamolsukyunyong W, Ruanjaichon V, Siangliw M, Kawasaki S, Sasaki T, Vanavichit A, Tragoonrung S. 2001. Mapping of Quantitative Trait Locus Related to Submergence Tolerance in Rice with Aid of Chromosome Walking.  DNA Research 8 (4): 163 – 171.


เว็บไซต์ของเรามีการใช้คุกกี้ เพื่อให้ท่านได้รับการใช้งานเว็บไซต์ที่ดีแสดงผลได้ถูกต้อง เมื่อใช้งานเว็ปไซต์ของเราต่อถือว่ายินยอมให้มีการใช้งานคุกกี้