

ดร. ธีรยุทธ ตู้จินดา 
(Dr. Theerayut Toojinda)



Research Areas                     
Genome mapping in Plants, Molecular Breeding, Gene identification and positional gene cloning





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  • +66(0)34355-193 



  • Rice Science Center(RSC), Rice Gene Discovery Unit (RGDU), Kasetsart University, Kamphaengsaen, 
    No1 Moo6. Kamphaengsaen, Nakhonpathom 73140, Thailand
  • ศูนย์วิทยาศาสตร์ข้าว, ห้องปฏิบัติการค้นหาและใช้ประโยชน์ยีนข้าว มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์ วิทยาเขตกำแพงแสน 
    เลขที่ 1 หมู่ 6 ต.กำแพงแสน อ.กำแพงแสน จ.นครปฐม 73140







  • 1998                             Ph.D. (Crop Science),                 Oregon State University, USA

  • 1991                             M.Sc. (Plant Breeding)                Kasetsart University, Thailand

  • 1986                             B.Sc. (Agriculture)                      Kasetsart University, Thailand








  • Kongprakhon P, Cuesta-Marcos A., Hayes P.M., Hongtragoon V., Sirithunya P., Toojinda T., Sangduen N.  2010.  Four QTL in rice associated with broad spectrum resistance to blast isolates from rice and barley.  J. Phytopathology 158: 125-131.
  • Jairin J., Teangdeerith S., Leelagud P., Kothcharerk J., Sansen K., Yi M., Vanavichit A., Toojinda T.  2009.  Development of rice introgression lines with brown planthopper resistance and KDML105 grain quality characteristics through marker-assisted selection.  Field Crops Research 110: 263-271.
  • Korinsak S., Sriprakhon S., Sirithunya P., Jairin J., Korinsak S., Vanavichit A., Toojinda T.  2009.  Identification of microsatellite markers (SSR) linked to a new bacterial blight resistance gene xa33(t) in rice cultivar ‘Ba7’.  Maejo Int. J. Sci. Technol. 3(02): 235-247.
  • Kongprakhon P, Cuesta-Marcos A., Hayes P.M., Richardson K.L., Sirithunya P., .Sato K., Steffenson B., Toojinda T.  2009.  Validation of rice blast resistance genes in barley using a QTL maping population and isogenics.  Breeding Science 59: 341-349.
  • Myint Yi, Khin Than Nwe., Vanavichit A., Chai-arree W., Toojinda T.  2009.  Marker assisted backcross breeding to improve cooking quality traits in Myanmar rice cultivar Manawthukha.  Field Crops Research 113: 178–186.
  • Sreewongchai T., Sriprakhon S., Wongsaprom C., Vanavichit A., Toojinda T., Tharreau D., Sirithunya P.  2009.  Genetic Mapping of Magnaporthe grisea Avirulence Gene Corresponding to Leaf and Panicle Blast Resistant QTLs in Jao Hom Nin Rice Cultivar.  J Phytopathol 157:338–343.
  • Sreewongchai T., Toojinda T., Thanintorn N., Kosawang C., Vanavichit A., Tharreau D., Sirithunya P.  2009.  Development of elite indica rice lines with wide spectrum of resistance to Thai blast isolates by pyramiding multiple resistance QTLs.  Plant Breeding: 1-5.
  • Pitnjam K., Chakhonkaen S., Toojinda T., Muangprom A.  2008.  Identification of a deletion in tms2 and development of gene-based markers for selection.  Planta
  • Sirithunya P, Sreewongchai T, Sriprakhon S, Toojinda T., Pimpisithavorn S., Kosawang C.,  Smitamana. P.  2008.  Assessment of Genetic Diversity in Thai Isolates of Pyricularia grisea by Random Amplification of Polymorphic DNA. J. Phytopathology 156: 196–204.
  • Somta P., Musch W., Kongsamai B., Chanprame S.,Nakathien S., Toojinda T., Sorajjapinun W., Seehalak W., Tragoonrung S., Srinives P.  2008.  New microsatellite markers isolated from mungbean (Vigna radiate (L.) Wilczek). Molecular Ecology Resources 8: 1155-1157.
  • Jairin J., Teangdeerith S., Leelagud P., Phengrat K., Vanavichit A., Toojinda T.  2007.  Detection of brown planthopper resistance genes from different rice mapping populations in the same genome location. Science Asia 33: 347-352.
  • Jairin J., Teangdeerith S., Leelagud P., Phengrat K., Vanavichit A., Toojinda T.  2007.  Physical mapping of Bph3, a brown planthopper resistance locus in rice.  Mj. Int. J. Sci. Tech. 01(2): 166-177.
  • Siangliw J.L., Jongdee B., Pantuwan G., Toojinda T.  2007.  Developing KDML105 backcross introgression lines using marker assisted selection for QTL associated with drought tolerance in rice.  ScienceAsia 33: 207-214.
  • Soehendi R., Chanprame S., Toojinda T., Ngampongsai S., Srinives P.  2007.  Genetics, Agronomic, and Molecular study of leaflet mutants in Mungbean (Vigna radiate (L.) Wilczek).  J. Crop Sci. Biotech 10(3): 193-200.
  • Suwanprasert J, Srinives P, Toojinda T., Chanprame S.  2007.  Inheritance of quantitative traits and heterosis in bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranean (L.) verdc.).  Korean J. Genetics 29(3): 285-290.
  • Kosawang C., Smitamana P., Toojinda T., Nilpanit N., Sirithunya P.  2006.  Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism Fingerprinting Differentiates Genetic Diversity of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae from Northern Thailand. J. Phytopathology 154: 1–6.
  • Noenplab A., Vanavichit A., Toojinda T., Sirithunya P., Tragoonrung S., Sriprakhon S., Wongsaprom C.  2006.  QTL Mapping for Leaf and Neck Blast Resistance in Khao Dawk Mali105 and Jao Hom Nin Recombinant Inbred Lines.  ScienceAsia 32: 133-142.
  • Pooprompan P., Wasee S., Toojinda T., Chanprame S., Srinives P.  2006.  Inheritance of grain quality and days to flowering in vegetable soybean.  Korean J. Breed. 38(1): 6-12.
  • Pooprompan P., Wasee S., Toojinda T., Abe J., Chanprame S., Srinives P.  2006.  Molecular marker analysis of days to flowering in vegetable soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill).  Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.) 40: 573-581
  • Soehendi R., Chanprame S., Toojinda T., Srinives P.  2006.  Inheritance and AFLP tagging of leaflet mutants in Mungbean (Vigna radiate (L.) Wilczek).  Kasetsart J. (Nat. Sci.) 40: 566-572
  • Suwanprasert J., Toojinda T., Srinives P., Chanprame S.  2006.  Hybridization Technique for Bambara Groundnut.  Breeding Science 56: 125-129.
  • Tanya P., Srinives P., Toojinda T., Vanavichit A., Nuntakij A., Kotepong S., Lee SH.  2006.  Evaluation of N2-Fixation trait in Thai and Korean soybean cultivars.  ScienceAsia 32: 93-98.
  • Jairina J., Toojinda T., Tragoonrung S., Tayapatc S., Vanavichit A.  2005.  Multiple Genes Determining Brown Planthopper(Nilaparvata lugens Stal) Resistance in Backcross Introgressed Lines of Thai Jasmine Rice ‘KDML105’.  ScienceAsia 31:129-135.
  • Romruensukharom P., Tragoonrung S., Vanavichit A., Toojinda T.  2005.  Genetic variability of Corynespora cassiicola populations in Thailand.  J. Rubb. Res. 8(1): 38-49.
  • Suriya-arunroj D., Supapoj N., Vanavichit A., Toojinda T.  2005.  Screening and selection for physiological characters contributing to salinity tolerance in rice.  Kasetsart Journal 39:174-185.
  • Tanya P., Srinives P., Toojinda T., Vanavichit A., Lee SH.  2005.  Identification of SSR markers associated with N2-Fixation components in Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr).  Korean J. Genetics 27(4): 351-359.
  • Toojinda T., Tragoonrung S., Vanavichit A., Siangliw JL., Pa-In N., Jantaboon J., Siangliw M., Fukai S.  2005.  Molecular breeding for rainfed lowland rice in the Mekong region. Plant Prod Sci. 8(3):330-333.
  • Wuthisuthimethavee S., Lumubol P., Toojinda T., Tragoonrung S., Vanavichit A.  2005.  SSLP-based linkage map construction in black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon Fabricius).  ScienceAsia 31: 91-97
  • Ruanjaichon V., Sangsrakru D., Kamolsukyunyong W., Siangliw M., Toojinda T., Tragoonrung S., Vanavichit A.  2004.  Small GTP-binding protein gene is associated with QTL for submergence tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa).  Russian Journal of Plant Physiology Vol. 51, No.5:648-657.
  • Sanitchon J., Vanavichit A., Chanprame S., Toojinda T., Triwitayakorn K., Njiti VN., Srinives P.  2004.  Identification of simple sequence repeat markers linked to sudden death syndrome resistance in soybean.  Science Asia 30:205-209.
  • Suriya-arunroj D., Supapoj N., Toojinda T., Vanavichit A.  2004.  Relative leaf water content as an efficient method for evaluating rice cultivars for tolerance to salt stress.  ScienceAsia 30:1-5.
  • Uyprasert  S., Toojinda T., Udomprasert N., Tragoonrung S., Vanavichit A.  2004.  Proline Accumulation and Rooting Patterns in RiceResponses to Water Deficit under Rainfed Lowlands.  ScienceAsia 30:301-311.
  • Lekawipat N., Teerawatanasuk K., Rodier-Goud M., Seguin M., Vanavichit A., Toojinda T., Tragoonrung S.  2003.  Genetic diversity analysis of wild germplasm and cultivated clones of Hevea brasiliensis muell. Arg. By using microsatellite markers.  J. Rubb. Res. 6(1):36-47
  • Lopez, M. T., Toojinda T., Vanavichit A., Tragoonrung S.  2003.  Microsatellite markers flanking the tms2 gene facilitated tropical TGMS rice line development.  Crop Sci 43(6):2267-2271.




  • Vanavichit, A., Tragoonrung, S., Theerayut, T., Wanchana, S., Kamolsukyunyong, W.  2005.  NUCLEIC ACIDS THAT ENHANCE THE SYNTHESIS OF 2-ACETYL-1-PYRROLINE IN PLANTS AND FUNGI. USPTO, Utility Patent Application, OMB 0651-0032












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